out his home
page, or his library
of C code.
I've been using
this library for a while now, and in my opinion, it has saved me literally
months of frustration. Read on for more ...
One of the most
well known and respected sources is from Peter Anderson. He has written
a huge library of PIC routines in C, and they are available right now.
over 19,000 lines
of sample C code
over 95 files,
each file a complete example
each file has
many sample routines in it
code examples
for the
sample schematics
on how to build all the hardware
covers topics
too numberous to mention, but includes
example projects
EEPROM memory
I2C interfacing
RS232 serial
LCD interfacing
Dallas 1
wire interface
... and much,
much more
Peter has poured
a lot of time and effort getting these routines up to a quality standard.
They have all been thoroughly tested. He has released a small sample
of them on his web site, to give you an idea of what his code is like.
To compensate for the 2 years work that has gone into it, he is releasing
the rest as a commercial library.
Ordering was simple. I went to and filled in my details. is one of the worlds biggest internet stores, and they have
a reputation to uphold. They have complete protection for you in case
of credit card fraud or non-delivery of goods.
A big package arrived on my doorstep 5 days later, and inside was ...
a ringbinder,
with all the sample routines and sketches of the hardware schematics.
Its 1" thick of paper.
a 1.44Mb floppy
disc with all the sample code
Quality routines
for the PIC micro, written in C
Sample schematics
for the PIC micro hardware
Good value for
money - it saved me literally months of work, all for a small cash
wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone
The library is
written for CCS C. If you use Hi-Tech, it may require minor changes.
However, I have not found this a problem as the library is written
to be portable. Most routines can be used without any modification
at all. If modification is required, its just simple things like in-built
register name.
Check out his home
page, or his library
of C code.
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